Fig. 4.
sAC-dependent VHA translocation during systemic alkalosis in whole fish. Anti-VHA immunolabeling in dogfish gills. Low-power (A) and high-power (B) magnification of gills from untreated dogfish sharks. Low-power (C) and high-power (D) magnification of gills taken from dogfish shark after 12 h of continuous NaHCO3 infusion. Low-power (E) and high-power (F) magnification of gills taken from dogfish shark after 12 h of continuous NaHCO3 infusion and injected with KH7 (5 μmol·kg−1 bolus at t = −0.5 and 6 h). (Scale bars = 10 μm.) (G) Percentage of cells showing VHA translocation in gill fragments (n = 4). (H) VHA abundance in membrane-enriched gill samples (n = 5–8). (Top) Bands are representative of each treatment. In G and H, letters indicate different levels of statistical significance by one-way ANOVA, Bonferroni’s multiple comparison test.