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. 2006 Jul-Aug;13(Suppl B):1B–9B. doi: 10.1155/2006/279435


Summary of studies examining the impact of omalizumab added to conventional therapy in patients with uncontrolled asthma

Study (n) Characteristics of patients at baseline Study duration and type Concomitant therapy Primary efficacy end point Rate with treatment vs control Additional significant results (omalizumab vs comparator)
Solèr et al (24) (n=546) Age 12 to 75 years
Moderate to severe allergic asthma
BDP 769/772 μg/day (treatment/placebo groups)
28 weeks (SSP 16, SRP 8, MP 4)
Multicentre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group
BDP at dose required for stability in SSP
In SRP, BDP reduced by 25% of baseline at each visit*
Salbutamol 100 μg/puff for rescue
Exacerbation rate (episodes per subject per year) SSP: 0.28 vs 0.66, P<0.001
SRP: 0.36 vs 0.75, P<0.001
Median daily ICS dose 100 μg vs 300 μg, P<0.001
ICS dose reduced by ≥50% in 79% vs 55% of patients
Withdrawal of ICS in 43% vs 19%
Significantly lower use of rescue medication, P<0.001
Buhl et al (40) (n=483) Age 12 to 75 years
Moderate to severe allergic asthma
BDP 766/773 μg/day (treatment/placebo groups)
24 weeks
Multicentre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group
BDP or other ICS at lowest effective dose
Other asthma medications as required
Exacerbation rate (episodes per subject per year) 0.48 vs 1.14, P<0.001 24% vs 40.6% of patients had ≥1 exacerbation, P<0.001
Mean BDP equivalent dose 253 μg/day vs 434 μg/day
~35% vs ~15% required no ICS
Lower use of concomitant therapies
Busse et al (37) (n=525) Age 12 to 75 years
Moderate to severe allergic asthma
BDP 568/570 μg/day (treatment/placebo groups)
28 weeks (SSP 16, SRP 8, MP 4)
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre, parallel group
BDP at dose required for stability in SSP; in SRP, dose reduced by 25% of baseline at each visit*
Albuterol: 2 puffs (90 μg/puff) as needed (maximum 8 puffs daily) for rescue
Immunotherapy and nonasthma medication maintained
Exacerbation rate (episodes per subject per year) SSP: 0.28 vs 0.54, P=0.006
SRP: 0.39 vs 0.66, P=0.009
Median reduction in ICS dose 75% vs 50%, P<0.001
≥ 50% reduction in BDP dose achieved by 72.4% vs 54.9%, P<0.001
BDP discontinued in 39.6% vs 19.1%, P<0.001
Lanier et al (41) (n=460) Age 12 to 75 years
Moderate to severe allergic asthma
BDP 565/552 μg/day (treatment/placebo groups)
24 weeks
Double-blind, placebo-controlled
BDP or other ICS at lowest effective dose
Other asthma medications as required
Exacerbation rate (episodes per subject per year) 0.6 vs 0.83, P=0.023 31.8% vs 42.8% of patients had ≥1 exacerbation, P=0.015
Mean BDP equivalent dose 227 μg/day vs 335 g/day, P<0.001
Significantly more treated patients achieved =50% ICS reduction or stopped ICS
Lower use of concomitant therapies
INNOVATE (38) (n=419) Age 12 to 75 years
Recent history of exacerbations
Inadequately controlled despite high-dose ICS (>2300 μg/day) and LABA
28 weeks
Randomized, double-blind, parallel group, multicentre
Omalizumab added to existing treatment
High-dose ICS and LABA
2/3 of patients received additional controller medications, including oral corticosteroids in 22%
Exacerbation rate (episodes per subject per year) 0.68 vs 0.91, P=0.042 50% reduction in severe exacerbations, P=0.002
44% reduction in total emergency visits, P=0.038
ETOPA (39) (n=312) Age 12 to 73 years
Persistent, moderate to severe allergic asthma
ICS ≥400 μg/day (adolescents) or ≥800 μg/day (adults)
52 weeks
Randomized, open-label, multicentre, parallel group
Omalizumab added to best standard care
ICS daily: 1000 μg (30.1%), 2000 μg (38.8%), 4000 μg (16%)
LABA 78%
Antileukotrienes 28%
SCS 21.2%
Salbutamol for rescue
Rate of asthma-related deterioration incidents per patient-year 4.92 vs 9.76, P<0.001 Clinically significant exacerbations reduced by 60.8%, P<0.001
Change in mean daily dose of ICS: −342 μg/day vs +68 μg/day, P<0.001
Median rescue bronchodilator use 0.6 vs 3 puffs/day, P<0.001
Holgate et al (43) (n=246) Age 12 to 75 years
Severe allergic asthma
≥ 1000 μg/dayfluticasone
Mean daily dose of1362/1375 μg/day (placebo/treatment groups)
32 weeks (16 add-on, 16 SRP)
Randomized, double-blind, multicentre, placebo-controlled
Omalizumab added to existing therapy
LABA (43.3% and 49.2% in treatment and placebo groups, respectively)
Short-acting beta-agonists as needed
Per cent reduction in ICS use from baseline Median ICS reduction 60% vs 50%, P=0.003
Mean 57.2% vs 43.3%, P=0.003
≥50% ICS reduction in 73.8% vs 50.8% of patients, P=0.001
Reduction to ≤500 μg/day in 60.3% vs 45.8% of patients, P=0.026

For eight weeks until total elimination or until forced expiratory volume in 1 s declined by 20% or more, or asthma worsened;

Extension of study by Solèr et al (24);

Extension of study by Busse et al (37). BDP Beclomethasone dipropionate; ETOPA Efficacy and Tolerability of Omalizumab in Poorly controlled Asthma; ICS Inhaled corticosteroids; INNOVATE Investigation of Omalizumab in Severe Asthma Treatment; LABA Long-acting beta2-agonists; MP Maintenance phase; SCS Systemic corticosteroids; SRP Steroid reduction phase; SSP Stable steroid phase; vs Versus