Endolysosomal tubules colocalize with polymerizing microtubules, and nocodazole disrupts tubules in class II MHC-eGFP-expressing DCs. A, BMDCs were transduced to express YFP-tubulin and CD63-mRFP1. After LPS stimulation, cells that formed endolysosomal tubules were imaged as shown. B, Administration of 10 µM nocodazole to class II MHC-eGFP tubulating cells; serial images at the times indicated are shown. Nocodazole administration was arbitrarily assigned the value of 0 s (t = 0′00″). C, LPS-stimulated BMDCs expressing CD63-mRFP1 and EB1-eGFP were imaged. CD63+ tubules are in close apposition to EB1 “comets.” D, Over time, the CD63 tubules (long arrow) followed the EB1 path (short arrows).