Each box represents the average zone of inhibition (ZOI; n = 3) of a given pairing and different shades of grey indicate the degree of inhibition. (a) Shows the bioassay results for when Pseudonocardia was inoculated two weeks prior to the inoculation of the cultivar: White: ZOI<0.50 cm, Light grey: ZOI = 0.51−1.00 cm, Grey: ZOI = 1.01−1.50 cm, Darker grey: ZOI = 1.51−2.00 cm, and Darkest grey: ZOI>2.01 cm. (b) Shows the same bioassay pairings but in these pairings, the cultivar was inoculated one week prior to Pseudonocardia: White: ZOI = 0 cm, Light grey: ZOI = 0.01−0.29 cm, Grey: ZOI = 0.30−0.59 cm, Darker grey: ZOI = 0.60−0.89 cm, and Darkest grey: ZOI>0.90 cm. Frames around boxes indicate pairings in which dark coloration was observed suggesting antagonistic chemical interactions between symbionts.