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. 2010 Jan 15;25(Suppl 1):11–17. doi: 10.1007/s11606-009-1100-z

Table 1.

Characteristics of Study Sample (N = 4,198)

Characteristics N (%)
Age category
 <50 731 (17.4)
 50–64 1,790 (42.6)
 ≥65 1,677 (40.0)
Female 246 (5.9)
 American Indian/Alaskan Native 35 (0.8)
 Asian/Pacific Islander 102 (2.4)
 Black 425 (10.1)
 Unknown/missing 632 (15)
 White 3,004 (71.6)
Marital status
 Married 2,043 (48.7)
 Never married 578 (13.8)
 Separated, divorced, widowed 1,499 (35.7)
 Unknown 78 (1.9)
≥50% service connected disability 850 (20.3)
Diagnosis for tobacco abuse or dependence¥ 284 (6.8)
Number of drug use disorder diagnoses¥
 1 87 (2.1)
 ≥2 30 (0.7)
Diagnosis for alcohol abuse or dependence¥ 337 (8.0)
One or more alcohol-attributable medical diagnoses (e.g., alcoholic cirrhosis)¥ 37 (0.9)
One or more medical conditions associated with unhealthy alcohol use (e.g., cirrhosis, not specifically alcohol-attributable)¥ 280 (6.7)
VA addictions treatment 96 (2.3)
Mean AUDIT-C score at baseline* (SD) 5.42 (2.21)
Mean Deyo Index score¥** (SD) 1.67 (1.20)
Number of mental health diagnoses¥***
 1 395 (9.4)
 ≥2 203 (4.8)

¥Based on ICD-9 diagnoses or visit dates obtained for the year prior to baseline alcohol screening

*Range 3–12

**Among the 895 patients who had any comorbid diagnoses

***Does not include diagnoses for substance use disorders