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. 2010 Jan 15;25(Suppl 1):11–17. doi: 10.1007/s11606-009-1100-z

Table 2.

Characteristics of the Study Sample Compared Across Resolution of Unhealthy Alcohol Use in Patients with and without Use of the Alcohol Counseling Clinical Reminder

  No use of the clinical reminder (n = 1,223) Use of the clinical reminder (n = 2,975)
Characteristics No resolution Resolution p-value No resolution Resolution p-value
n = 875 (72%) n = 345 (28%) n = 2,018 (68%) n = 957 (32%)
Age category <0.001 <0.001
 <50 141 (16%) 82 (24%) 273 (14%) 235 (25%)
 50–64 334 (38%) 153(44%) 852 (42%) 451 (47%)
 ≥65 403 (46%) 110 (32%) 893 (44%) 271 (28%)
Female 61 (7%) 38 (11%) 0.019 86 (4%) 61 (6%) 0.016
Race 0.023 <0.001
 Unknown 130 (15%) 51 (15%) 317 (16%) 134 (14%)
 White 646 (74%) 233 (68%) 1,484 (74%) 641 (67%)
 Black 78 (9%) 53 (15%) 163 (8%) 131 (14%)
 Asian/Pacific Islander 17 (2%) 5 (1%) 38 (2%) 42 (4%)
 American Indian/Alaskan Native 7 (1%) 3 (1%) 16 (1%) 9 (1%)
Marital status <0.001 <0.001
 Unknown 15 (2%) 4 (1%) 44 (2%) 15 (2%)
 Never married 129 (15%) 66 (19%) 241 (12%) 142 (15%)
 Married 478 (54%) 139 (40%) 1025 (51%) 401 (42%)
 Separated, divorced, widowed 256 (29%) 136 (39%) 708 (35%) 399 (42%)
≥50% Service connected disability 147 (17%) 60 (17%) 0.785 399 (20%) 244 (26%) <0.001
Diagnosis for tobacco abuse or dependence¥ 56 (6%) 33 (10%) 0.053 125 (6%) 70 (7%) 0.249
Number of drug use disorder diagnoses¥ 0.006 0.033
 1 13 (1%) 12 (3%) 37 (2%) 25 (3%)
 ≥2 4 (0%) 6 (2%) 9 (0%) 11 (1%)
Diagnosis for alcohol abuse or dependence¥ 56 (6%) 35 (10%) 0.024 164 (8%) 82 (9%) 0.683
One or more alcohol-attributable medical diagnosis (e.g., alcoholic cirrhosis)¥ 3 (0%) 5 (1%) 0.031 21 (1%) 8 (1%) 0.596
One or more medical conditions associated with unhealthy alcohol use (e.g., cirrhosis, not specifically alcohol-attributable)¥ 55 (6%) 25 (7%) 0.532 123 (6%) 77 (8%) 0.047
VA addictions treatment 11 (1%) 10 (3%) 0.046 44 (2%) 31 (3%) 0.085
Mean AUDIT-C score at baseline* (SD) 5.09 (2.03) 5.61 (2.33) <0.001 5.39 (2.19) 5.73 (2.32) <0.001
Mean Deyo Index score** (SD) 1.65 (1.06) 1.77 (1.34) 0.4377 1.65 (1.18) 1.71 (1.30) 0.5832
Number of mental health diagnoses¥*** <0.001 <0.001
 1 65 (7%) 28 (8%) 183 (9%) 119 (12%)
 ≥2 19 (2%) 25 (7%) 93 (5%) 66 (7%)

¥Based on ICD-9 diagnoses or visit dates obtained for the year prior to baseline alcohol screening

*Range 3–12

**Means and SDs were derived for the 603 patients without CR use who had any comorbid diagnoses (n = 432 with no resolution and 171 with resolution) and the 1,488 patients with CR use who had any comorbid diagnoses (n = 1,022 with no resolution and 466 with resolution)

***Does not include diagnoses for substance use disorders