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. 2007 Dec;16(6):e8. doi: 10.1136/tc.2006.018853

Table 7 Estimated 12‐month prevalence of cessation attempts among adolescent smokers according to level of cigarette consumption* and period of adolescence.

Country, study year Age/grade range Definition of cessation in the past 12 months Prevalence (%) (95% CI)
Any use (in the past month)
Early adolescence
Grenada, 200041 Grade 6 Tried to stop smoking 62 (30 to 94)
Grade 7 74 (56 to 92)
Philippines, 200038 Age ⩽12† Tried to stop smoking 81 (74 to 88)
South Africa, 199939 Age ⩽12† Tried to stop smoking 76 (59 to 92)
Seychelles, 200240 Age 11–12 Tried to stop smoking 78
Venezuela, 199942 Grade 6 Tried to stop smoking 90
Grade 7 59
Early to middle adolescence
United States, 199935 Grade 6–8 Seriously tried to quit smoking 58 (54 to 62)
United States, 199935 Grade 6–8 Tried to quit smoking at least once 61 (59 to 63)
United States, 200036 Grade 6–8 Tried to quit smoking cigarettes 60 (57 to 63)
Venezuela, 199942 Grade 6–9 Tried to stop smoking 69‡
Georgia, 200243 Grade 7–9 Tried to stop 49 (42 to 56)
Serbia, 200346 Grade 7–9 Tried to stop smoking 78 (73 to 83)
Slovakia, 200345 Grade 7–9 Tried to stop smoking 81 (78 to 84)
Slovenia, 2002/200344 Grade 7–9 Tried to stop smoking 68 (66 to 71)
Bahrain, 200354 Grade 7–10 Tried to stop smoking 63 (55 to 71)
Egypt, 200159 Grade 7–10 Tried to stop smoking 64 (50 to 77)
Ghana, 200057 Junior secondary school years 1–3 Tried to stop smoking 78
Hungary, 200353 Grade 7–10 Tried to stop smoking 64 (60 to 68)
Kenya, 200160 Grade 7–Form 2 Tried to stop smoking 70 (63 to 78)
United Arab Emirates, 200255 Grade 7–10 Tried to stop smoking 64 (58 to 71)
Middle adolescence
Grenada, 200033,41 Age 13–15 Tried to stop smoking 75‡ (67 to 83)
Grade 8 79 (56 to 100)
Form 1 80 (63 to 96)
Form 2 66 (57 to 76)
Philippines, 200033,38 Age 13–15 Tried to stop smoking 83‡ (79 to 87)
Age 13 90 (81 to 99)
Age 14 85 (80 to 91)
Age 15 81 (74 to 87)
Seychelles, 200240 Age 13 Tried to stop smoking 78
Age 14 84
Age 15 73
Venezuela, 199931,33,42 Age 13–15 Tried to stop smoking 68‡ (58 to 79)
Grade 8 74
Grade 9 66
Dominica, 200033,47 Age 13–15 Tried to stop smoking 56¶ (43 to 69)
Form 2 47¶ (26 to 68)
Jamaica, 200133,48 Age 13–15 Tried to stop smoking 71¶ (62 to 80)
Grade 9 66¶ (52 to 80)
Trinidad and Tobago, 200033,49 Age 13–15 Tried to stop smoking 76¶ (68 to 84)
Age 14 65¶
Age 15 87¶
United States, 200150 Grade 9 Tried to quit smoking 56 (52 to 60)
Grade 10 55 (51 to 59)
United States, 200351 Grade 9 Tried to quit smoking 52 (46 to 58)
Grade 10 59 (53 to 65)
Bahamas, 200071 Age 13–15 Tried to stop smoking 77
Barbados, 199931,33 Age 13–15 Tried to stop smoking 64 (57 to 70)
Costa Rica, 199931,33 Age 13–15 Tried to stop smoking 63 (58 to 68)
Fiji, 199931,33 Age 13–15 Tried to stop smoking 79 (67 to 91)
Gaza Strip, 200133 Age 13–15 Tried to stop smoking 62 (46 to 78)
Jordan, 199931,33 Age 13–15 Tried to stop smoking 78 (73 to 84)
Montserrat, 200033 Age 13–15 Tried to stop smoking 60 (48 to 72)
Northern Mariana Islands, 200033 Age 13–15 Tried to stop smoking 77 (72 to 82)
St. Vincent and the Grenadines, 200133 Age 13–15 Tried to stop smoking 83 (72 to 94)
Singapore, 200033 Age 13–15 Tried to stop smoking 78 (75 to 81)
South Africa, 199931,33,39 Grade 8–10 Tried to stop smoking 77‡ (72 to 81)
Age 13–15 75‡ (69 to 80)
Age 13 69 (50 to 88)
Age 14 71 (61 to 81)
Age 15 78 (69 to 87)
Sri Lanka, 199931,33 Age 13–15 Tried to stop smoking 43 (28 to 58)
Sultanate of Oman, 200356 Grade 8–10 Tried to stop smoking 67 (57 to 78)
Suriname, 200033 Age 13–15 Tried to stop smoking 73 (62 to 83)
United States, 200033 Age 13–15 Tried to quit smoking 58‡ (56 to 60)
Early to late adolescence
Botswana, 200252 Age 11–17 Tried to stop 68
Costa Rica, 199972 Age 11–17 Tried to stop smoking 71
Dominica, 200047 Age 11–17 Tried to stop smoking 52 (42 to 62)
Grenada, 200041 Grade 6–Form 4 Tried to stop smoking 70‡ (62 to 78)
Jamaica, 200148 Grade 7–13 Tried to stop smoking 68 (61 to 75)
Macao, 200161 Grade 6–Form 3 Tried to stop smoking 64 (56 to 72)
Philippines, 200038 Age ⩽12–⩾16† Tried to stop smoking 84 (81 to 87)
Seychelles, 200240 Age 11–17 Tried to stop smoking 77‡
Suriname, 200073 Age 12–16 Tried to stop smoking 68
Trinidad and Tobago, 200049 Post Primary–Form 5 Tried to stop smoking 77
United States, 19912 Age 12–18 Tried to cut down on use of cigarettes 73§
Middle to late adolescence
South Africa, 200258 Grade 8–11 Tried to stop smoking 74 (71 to 77)
United States, 199935 Grade 9–12 Seriously tried to quit smoking 56 (53 to 58)
United States, 199935 Grade 9–12 Tried to quit smoking at least once 62 (60 to 63)
United States, 200036 Grade 9–12 Tried to quit smoking cigarettes 59 (57 to 61)
United States, 200150 Grade 9–12 Tried to quit smoking 57 (56 to 59)
United States, 200351 Grade 9–12 Tried to quit smoking 54 (51 to 57)
Late adolescence
Philippines, 200038 Age ⩾16† Tried to stop smoking 86 (82 to 89)
Seychelles, 200240 Age 16–17 Tried to stop smoking 78
South Africa, 199939 Age ⩾16† Tried to stop smoking 78 (73 to 82)
Trinidad and Tobago, 200049 Age ⩾16† Tried to stop smoking 85¶
Grenada, 200041 Form 3 Tried to stop smoking 56 (35 to 78)
Form 4 78 (59 to 97)
United States, 200150 Grade 11 Tried to quit smoking 60 (58 to 63)
Grade 12 58 (54 to 62)
United States, 200351 Grade 11 Tried to quit smoking 51 (47 to 56)
Grade 12 53 (48 to 58)
Daily use (self‐declared current)
Middle to late adolescence
Canada, 200066,67 Age 15–19 Made at least one ⩾24 h quit attempt 70‡
Age 15–17 67
Canada, 200165 Age 15–19 Made at least one ⩾24 h quit attempt 66‡
Age 15–17 68
Canada, 200264 Age 15–19 Made at least one ⩾24 h quit attempt 64‡
Age 15–17 67
Canada, 199963 Age 15–17 Made at least one ⩾24 h quit attempt 79
Canada, 200362 Age 15–17 Made at least one ⩾24 h quit attempt 92
Late adolescence
Canada, 199963 Age 18–19 Made at least one ⩾24 h quit attempt 73
Canada, 200066,67 Age 18–19 Made at least one ⩾24 h quit attempt 61
Canada, 200165 Age 18–19 Made at least one ⩾24 h quit attempt 63
Canada, 200264 Age 18–19 Made at least one ⩾24 h quit attempt 61
Canada, 200362 Age 18–19 Made at least one ⩾24 h quit attempt 84

*Any use in the past month was defined operationally as “smoked ⩾1 cigarette in the past 30 days”, except by the US Department of Health2 where it was defined as “smoked in past month”; daily use (self‐declared current) was defined operationally as: “smoke cigarettes daily at the present time”.

†The Global Youth Tobacco Surveys identified classes to correspond to the target group of adolescents aged 13–15. However, all students in the selected classes were eligible to participate. Therefore adolescents younger than 13 years and older than 15 years could be included. For the age categories ⩽12 years and ⩾16 years we assumed that the lower and upper bounds met the eligibility criteria that study subjects be adolescents aged 10–19.

‡Excluded from the calculation of summary estimate because complete stratum‐specific estimates were available for this study.

§Estimated among the subgroup of adolescents who had smoked ⩾100 cigarettes in their lifetime.

||Estimated among the subgroup of adolescents who had smoked <100 cigarettes in their lifetime.

¶Excluded from summary estimates because a more inclusive aggregate estimate is available for this study.