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. 2007 Dec;16(6):e8. doi: 10.1136/tc.2006.018853

Table 8 Estimated lifetime prevalence of cessation attempts among adolescent smokers according to level of cigarette consumption* and period of adolescence.

Country, study year Age/grade range Definition of cessation Prevalence (%) (95% CI)
Any use (in the past month)
Early to middle adolescence
Canada, 199437 Age 10–14 Ever tried to quit 57†
United States, 198975 Age 12–13 Ever made at least one serious attempt to quit smoking cigarettes 82 (77 to 87)||
Republic of Palau, 200168 Grade 6–8 Tried to stop smoking 69
Middle adolescence
United States, 198975 Age 14–15 Ever made at least one serious attempt to quit smoking cigarettes 77 (75 to 80)||
Early to late adolescence
Canada, 199437 Age 10–19 Ever tried to quit 72†
United States, 198975 Age 12–18 Ever made at least one serious attempt to quit smoking cigarettes 74 (73 to 76)†||
Middle to late adolescence
Canada, 199437 Age 15–19 Ever tried to quit 79†
Republic of Palau, 200168 Grade 9–12 Tried to stop smoking 50
Late adolescence
United States, 1976–19792 High school seniors Ever tried to stop smoking and found you could not 32
United States, 1980–19842 High school seniors Ever tried to stop smoking and found you could not 31
United States, 1985–19892 High school seniors Ever tried to stop smoking and found you could not 28
United States, 198975 Age 16–18 Ever made at least one serious attempt to quit smoking cigarettes 73 (71 to 74)||
Daily use (self‐declared current)
Middle to late adolescence
Denmark, 1996–199732 Age 15–20 Ever tried to quit smoking 64¶
Daily use (in the past week)
Early to middle adolescence
Canada, 200270 Grade 5–9 Ever tried to quit 77
Daily use (in the past month)
Early to middle adolescence
Canada, 199437 Age 10–14 Ever tried to quit 84‡
Early to late adolescence
Canada, 199437 Age 10–19 Ever tried to quit 81‡†
Middle to late adolescence
Canada, 199437 Age 15–19 Ever tried to quit 80‡
Late adolescence
United States, 1976–19792 High school seniors Ever tried to stop smoking and found you could not 39**
United States, 1980–19842 High school seniors Ever tried to stop smoking and found you could not 42**
United States, 1985–19892 High school seniors Ever tried to stop smoking and found you could not 39**
Non‐daily use (in the past month)
Early to middle adolescence
Canada, 199437 Age 10–14 Ever tried to quit 84‡
Early to late adolescence
Canada, 199437 Age 10–19 Ever tried to quit 84‡†
Middle to late adolescence
Canada, 199437 Age 15–19 Ever tried to quit 83‡

*Any use in the past month was defined operationally as “smoked ⩾1 cigarette in the past 30 days”, except by the US Department of Health2 where it was defined as “smoked at all in the past 30 days ”; daily use (self‐declared current) was defined operationally as: “smoke every day”; daily use in the past week was defined operationally as: “smoked cigarettes on each of the 7 days preceding data collection”; daily use in the past month was defined operationally as: “smoked⩾1 cigarette each day in the past 30 days”; non‐daily use in the past month was defined operationally as: “smoked ⩾1 cigarette in the past 30 days, but not daily”.

†Excluded from the calculation of summary estimate because complete stratum‐specific estimates were available for this study.

‡Estimated among the subgroup of adolescents who had smoked ⩾100 cigarettes in their lifetime.

§Estimated among the subgroup of adolescents who had smoked <100 cigarettes in their lifetime.

||Two reports74,75 were based on the 1989 US Teenage Attitudes and Practices Survey. When estimates for duplicate age and/or smoking history strata were available, only Moss et al75 was considered in the calculation of summary estimates. Estimates of the lifetime prevalence of cessation attempts among adolescents reporting any use in the past month for duplicate age strata as reported by Allen et al74 were as follows: 86 among 12–18 year olds; 92 among 12–13 year olds; 87 among 14–15 year olds; 85 among 16–18 year olds.

¶This estimate excluded students who reported physician‐diagnosed asthma.

**Excluded from the calculation of summary estimates because a more inclusive aggregate estimate is available for this study.