Fig. 8.
Summary of the relationship between MT neurometric threshold and slope before and during training. Left column: monkey Cy; right column: monkey ZZ. In each panel, each point represents the best-fitting value of the given parameter from a single neuron; error bars are SE. A and B: threshold (α2 in Eq. 2, plotted on a logarithmic axis) vs. session number. Vertical dashed line separates pretraining (in which the monkeys merely maintained fixation while the motion stimulus was shown) from training. C and D: slope (β2 from Eqs. 2 and 5, plotted on a linear axis) vs. session number. Vertical dashed line separates pretraining from training. E and F: β2 vs. α2. For each panel, lines are weighted linear fits (least squares for A–D; total least squares for E and F). The slope [in units of log (coh)/100 sessions for A and B; % correct/log (coh)/100 sessions for C and D; and % correct/log (coh)2 for E and F] of this line; [95% CIs], P value for H0: slope = 0, and the adjusted r2 are shown in each panel.