a Only the main chain atoms of these residues line the pocket.
b The binding pocket exposed to solvent in the FAAL28 structure, which was solved in unliganded form, is too small to accommodate its long chain fatty acid substrate. There is an internal cavity in the protein closed off by Met-233. Met-233 is the equivalent of the Trp-234 residue in long chain fatty acid, which closes off the entrance to the binding pocket in the unliganded form and opens up upon ATP binding. Thus, it is likely that Met-233 in FAAL28 is performing a similar function and that the true binding pocket is much larger.
c In long chain fatty acid, sequence alignments place Asn-232 as the equivalent of the PheA residue 236, but structural comparisons show that it is actually Trp-234 that is the structurally equivalent residue due to an alternate main chain route.