(A) A schematic representation of the S13,16A and S13,16D mutations within the NT17 domain in the BACHD construct (Gray et al., 2008). (B) A representative Western blot of cortical protein extracts made from one month old BACHD, BACHD-L, SA, SD-B, SD-C, and SD-C heterozygous (het) mice. The blot was probed with polyQ-specific 1C2 antibody followed by anti-tubulin antibody for loading controls. (C) Quantification of the fl-mhtt expression levels in various HD transgenic mouse lines. Densitometry values of individual bands are based on three 1C2 Western blots using independent cortical extracts. The input in each lane is normalized using the anti-α-tubulin control. The results of three independent experiments are expressed as means±SEM. One-way ANOVA analysis reveals that there are significant differences between the fl-mhtt expression levels in BACHD, BACHD-L, SA, SD-C, SD-B, and SD-C (het) mice (F(4,11)=22.090, p=0.000). The Post hoc test (LSD) indicates that the BACHD-L fl-mhtt expression level is significantly lower than the fl-mhtt expression level in the BACHD (p=0.000), SA (p=0.001), SD-C (p=0.017), and SD-B (p=0.010) mice, but does not differ from the SD-C (het) mice (p=0.340).