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. 2009 Dec 23;8:309. doi: 10.1186/1475-2875-8-309

Table 4.

Kaplan-Meier pair wise comparisons of the median survival times (MST) of An. gambiae s.s. females exposed to surfaces 1, 14 and 28 d after treatment with different concentrations (2 × 109, 2 × 1010 and 4 × 1010 conidia m-2) of M. anisopliae ICIPE-30.

Comparison of: Different concentrations within same time post-application The same concentration between different times post-application

MST ± SE 2 × 109 2 × 1010 4 × 1010 14 d 28
1 d
Control 15 ± 0.95 χ2 = 15.15 χ2 = 43.34 χ2 = 55.58 χ2 = 0.08 χ2 = 0.01
p < 0.001* p < 0.001* p < 0.001* p = 0.77 p = 0.32
2 × 109 11 ± 0.51 χ2 = 9.32 χ2 = 15.44 χ2 = 5.17 χ2 = 4.10
p < 0.001* p < 0.001* p < 0.001* p < 0.001*
2 × 1010 6 ± 0.46 χ2 = 0.001 χ2 = 9.80 χ2 = 8.95
p = 0.98 p < 0.001* p < 0.001*
4 × 1010 8 ± 0.39 χ2 = 14.74 χ2 = 18.55
p < 0.001* p < 0.001*

14 d
Control 16 ± 1.15 χ2 = 30.48 χ2 = 58.07 χ = 49.02 χ2 = 0.43
p < 0.001* p < 0.001* p < 0.001* p = 0.54
2 × 109 12 ± 0.55 χ2 = 6.59 χ2 = 4.08 χ2 = 0.06
p < 0.001* p < 0.001* p = 0.80
2 × 1010 10 ± 0.64 χ2 = 0.21 χ2 = 0.49
p = 0.22 p = 0.83
4 × 1010 10 ± 0.45 χ2 = 0.003
p = 0.96

28 d
Control 16 ± 1.15 χ2 = 35.94 χ2 = 77.49 χ2 = 62.29
p < 0.001* p < 0.001* p < 0.001*
2 × 109 13 ± 0.33 χ2 = 11.22 χ2 = 5.76
p < 0.001* p < 0.001*
2 × 1010 11 ± 0.49 χ2 = 0.56
p = 0.46
4 × 1010 11 ± 0.61

*Significant at p < 0.05