Figure 3. TLR signaling in cell proliferation and survival.
TLR signaling engages two important adaptor proteins MyD88 and TRIF. MyD88 is required for the activation of downstream signaling pathways involving PI3K, MAP3Ks, IKK complex and FADD/caspases 8. PI3K activation leads to CREB activation and p27 degradation, both of which contribute to cell proliferation and/or survival. Activation of MAP3Ks induces the MAPK signaling cascades which eventually activate transcription factors including AP-1 and CREB. Activation of IKK complex results in NFkB nucleus translocation. All these three groups of transcription factors are engaged in the transcription of genes involved in cell fate control as well as inflammation. FADD/caspase8 is responsible for TLR2 induced apoptosis which is antagonized by NF-kB signaling. TRIF is involved in IRF-3 activation and the production of type I IFNs. IRF-3, 5 and 7 are all potential regulators of cell proliferation and survival.