Fig. 3.
Negative staining on a section incubated with 13H1 preabsorbed with excess 13(R)-HODE-BSA conjugates (B) and identification of 13(R)-HODE immunoreactivity (A, C, E, G) in CD34-immunoreactive VECs (D), CD68-immunoreactive macrophages (F) and SMA-immunoreactive migrating VSMCs (H) in human atherosclerotic carotid arteries. Areas of panels (A, C, E, G) are the same as those of panels (B, D, F, H) on consecutive sections, respectively. Panels (A, B) show staining on a fatty streak. Solid and blank arrowheads and asterisks indicate VECs, macrophages and migrating VSMCs, respectively. PIC method using DAB (A–H). Bar=100 µm. Abbreviations: BSA, bovine serum albumin; DAB, 3,3'-diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride; HODE, hydroxyoctadecadienoic acid; PIC, polymer-immunocomplex; SMA, α-smooth muscle actin; VECs, vascular endothelial cells; VSMCs, vascular smooth muscle cells.