(A.) Cytokine levels were measured by Luminex multiplex analysis of the supernatant of microglia stimulated with 150 ng/ml LPS (white bar), or fed apoptotic neurons (black bars) or neuronal blebs (grey bars) in the absence or presence of 300 μg/mL C1q and stimulated with 150ng/mL LPS for 18 hours. Data are average cytokine levels from an individual experiment, measured in duplicate +/- SD. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, students t-test. (B.) Cytokine levels in the supernatant of LPS-stimulated microglia fed apoptotic neurons or neuronal blebs as measured in (A.), with results expressed as average fold difference in expression when C1q is present compared to control levels from identically treated microglia, in the absence of C1q, from n=5-7 individual experiments performed in duplicate with apoptotic neurons, or n=3-5 experiments with neuronal blebs) +/- SD. * p<0.05 **p<0.005, ANOVA.