Quality improvement
Coordinate physician response in the event of a serious incident or outbreak
Advise on infection prevention and control issues and approve specific infection-control policies
Promote a culture of patient safety in your facility
Participate in the accreditation process
Develop, review, and revise medical and clinical policies and procedures based on best practice
Support quality improvement planning and the development of quality improvement indicators for potential areas of concern
Develop quality of care standards in conjunction with the facility administrator and interdisciplinary team
Medical staff management
Collaborate with attending physicians when concerns are raised about their residents’ care
Ensure medical coverage for residents 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Ensure a process is in place for addressing medical staff members who do not comply with policies, procedures, and bylaws
Ensure all members of medical staff are aware of their responsibilities as attending physicians
Monitor quality of care provided by attending physicians
Develop and communicate expectations of attending physicians (eg, bylaws, rules and regulations, facility policies)
Review pharmacist medication management reports
Review prescribing by attending physicians through medication safety or pharmacy reviews
Services for residents of facility
Rights of LTC residents
Ensure residents’ end-of-life decisions are honoured
Confirm appropriate use of restraint
Ensure that residents with the cognitive function to do so have the right to refuse medications