Figure 6. Characterization of Rep regions critical for ITR specificity.
(A) Chimeric Reps and their ability to replicate ITR2 or ITR5 flanked vectors. Numbers indicate the aa position of the switch from one Rep to the other. (+) indicates the presence of replication, (−) indicates the absence. Region 1 and 2 involved in Rep-ITR specificity are indicated. (B) Western blot for expression of chimeric Reps. (C) Southern blot demonstrating replication of an ITR2 or ITR5 vector by the chimeric Reps. Note that the ITR5 vector is 500 bp larger than the ITR2 vector. (D) Structural model illustrating the two Rep regions. Rep2 structure is blue, Rep5 is purple. The nucleophilic tyrosine is indicated. Black hatched circle indicates the predicted structural difference of region 1 in the major groove of the ITR. (E) Structural model as in (D). The nucleophilic tyrosine is indicated. (F) Detailed structural view of region 1. The side-chains of non-conserved residues from Rep5 (purple) and Rep2 (blue) are shown. Three Rep5 residues implicated in RBE' binding are indicated. (G) Detailed structural view of region 2. Side chains of active site residues are shown in black. Side chains of non-conserved residues in this region are shown for Rep2 (blue) and Rep5 (purple). The nucleophilic tyrosine is indicated, as is the adjacent Rep2 Asn-155.