Figure 2. Th2 cis-regulatory elements pre-date the divergence of placental and non-placental mammals.
A) Map of the Th2 cytokine gene cluster with the locations of murine DNase I hypersensitive sites (vertical arrows). B) MULAN-generated graphical representation of DNA sequence alignments between the indicated species and the reference human sequence. Selected regions of the Th2 cytokine locus are shown, with gene annotations and features noted above the plots. (CNS: conserved non-coding sequence, IE: intronic enhancer, P: promoter, RHS: RAD50 hypersensitive site). Shaded regions indicate multi-species ECRs with gene features specified by color (exon: blue; UTR: yellow; intron: pink; intergenic: red). Dashed boxes denote regions that are conserved among the placental mammals but not in opossum or chicken.