Figure 2d:
IPH with no mixed calcification at level of bifurcation of left carotid artery in 57-year-old man. (a–c) On T1-weighted MR images, area of high signal intensity (arrow) measures 16.4 mm2 on TOF image (20/4.7 [repetition time msec/echo time msec], 20° flip angle), 19.2 mm2 on fast spin-echo (FSE) image (800/10), and 18.0 mm2 on magnetization-prepared RAGE (MPRAGE) image (8.7/5.3, 15° flip angle). (d) On histologic specimen, outlined area of IPH measures 21.6 mm2. (Hematoxylin-eosin stain; original magnification, × 10.) * = Lumen.