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. 2010 Jan 7;254(2):551–563. doi: 10.1148/radiol.09090535

Figure 6b:

Figure 6b:

(a–c) T1-weighted MR images and (d) histologic specimens of left common carotid artery in 74-year-old man. (b) Fast spin-echo (FSE) image (800/11) shows area of high signal intensity (arrow), which is isointense on (a) TOF (23/3.5, 20° flip angle) and (c) magnetization-prepared RAGE (MPRAGE) (13.2/3.2, 15° flip angle) images, with a contrast percentage of 40.5%. (d) Right: Matching Mallory trichrome–stained histologic specimen (inset) shows the high-signal-intensity region (black arrows on histologic specimen, white arrows on MR image) contains no IPH at either hematoxylin-eosin or Mallory trichrome staining analysis, as Mallory trichrome staining results in red-stained blood products and blue matrix. For both hematoxylin-eosin (H&E)- and Mallory trichrome–stained specimens, the main (larger) specimen is a magnification of the region outlined in the inset in top left corner. Calcification (arrowhead) has low signal intensity on all three MR images and is seen as an acellular area bordered by a purple band on the hematoxylin-eosin–stained histologic specimen. * = Lumen.