Failure to rescue hepatic steatosis in mutant mice by β-cell–specific expression of wild-type Sec61a1. A: Hematoxylin-eosin (H & E, left), oil red O (middle), and Masson (right) staining of liver from Sec61a1+/+ (+/+), Sec61a1Y344H/Y344H (Y344H/Y344H), and Sec61a1Y344H/Y344H, Tg[RIP-Sec61] (Y344H/Y344H, RIP-Sec61) mice. B: Hepatomegaly was assessed by dissecting and weighing liver from four males each of Sec61a1+/+ (+/+), Sec61a1Y344H/Y344H (Y344H/Y344H), and Sec61a1Y344H/Y344H, Tg[RIP-Sec61] (Y344H/Y344H, RIP-Sec61) mice. The liver weight is expressed as a percentage of total body weight (mean ± SEM). Statistical assessments were made using a two-tailed Student t test assuming unequal variances (versus wild-type littermates); **P < 0.001. C: Body composition in 24-week-old HFD-fed male Sec61a1+/+ (+/+), Sec61a1Y344H/Y344H (Y344H/Y344H), and Sec61a1Y344H/Y344H, Tg[RIP-Sec61] (Y344H/Y344H, RIP-Sec61) mice. Four males were measured for each genotype and the values shown are means ± SEM. Statistical assessments were made using a two-tailed Student t test assuming unequal variances (versus sex-matched mutant littermates); *P < 0.05. (A high-quality digital representation of this figure is available in the online issue.)