Figure 1. Differential expression of microRNAs with advancing gestational age and histologic chorioamnionitis.
A, Changes in miR-214 and miR-338 expression as a function of gestational age analyzed within the group of 10 cases with preterm labor without histologic chorioamnionitis. 13 microRNAs displayed decreasing expression with advancing gestation. This figure illustrates 2 examples. Multiple adjustment for the testing of 157 miRNAs was performed (all P < .05). The y-axis represents units of delta Ct (Ct5S – CtmiRNA), with an arbitrary zero point, so that each unit measures a 2-fold change. The x-axis represents gestational age in weeks. B, Differential expression of microRNAs with histologic chorioamnionitis. Box-and-whisker plots of microRNAs differentially expressed between preterm labor cases with and without histologic chorioamnionitis after multiple units of delta Ct (Ct5S – CtmiRNA), with an arbitrary zero point, so that each unit measures a 2-fold change. The fold change is displayed below each microRNA name.