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. 2009 Sep;43(3):99–106. doi: 10.4314/gmj.v43i3.55324

Table 2.

Perception of child health and response to childhood illness

Item Response No. (%)
What type of illness does your child usually suffers ‘Fever’;/‘febrile illnesses’ 67 (66.3)
from ‘Malaria’ 14 (13.9)
Does not usually get ill 10 (9.9)
Headaches 3 (3.0)
Cough 3 (3.0)
Unknown 3 (3.0)
Asthmatic attacks 1 (1.0)
How did you respond to the child's fever the last Got a drug from a chemical shop 68 (67.3)
time Went to the clinic 20 (19.8)
Found some medicine in the house 9 (8.9)
Took the child to church 1 (1.0)
Waited for the father to return from work 1 (1.0)
Not sure 2 (2.0)
What medicine did you give the child the last Cannot tell 34 (33.6)
time he/she had a febrile illness Paracetamol (acetaminophen) 27 (26.7)
Chloroquine 20 (19.8)
Chloroquine and paracetamol 12 (11.8)
#Others 8 (7.9)
How quickly did the child get well the last time Three days later 25 (24.8)
he/she experienced a febrile illness More than four days later 23 (22.8)
The next day 16 (15.8)
Not applicable 11 (10.9)
Two days later 9 (8.9)
The same day 7 (6.9)
Did not recover for some time 2 (2.0)
Would you prefer a drug combination or a regimen Combined 58 (57.4)
consisting of a single drug for treating your Single 33 (32.7)
child's malaria It depends 6 (5.9)
Do not know 4 (3.9)
*Why would you prefer a combined or single Two drugs combined are better than one 17 (29.3)
drug (n=58) Two drugs will work better and faster 27 (46.5)
Combined therapy is more convenient 8 (13.7)
Cannot explain 6 (10.3)
Is it important to give the full 3-day course of Yes 87 (86.1)
treatment, even if the child recovers earlier No 13 (12.9)
Cannot tell 1 (1.0)
Why is it important to administer the full three To be able to cure the disease completely 33 (32.7)
day course of treatment, even when your child To make sure that I follow the doctor's instruction 31 (30.7)
recovers earlier To be able to prevent the illness from returning 12 (11.9)
In order not to waste the medicine 8 (7.9)
Cannot tell 17 (16.8)

Other includes “teething mixture”, n=2; “masada”, “teeda”, “top-fever”, “antibiotic”, “alagbin”, “antihelminthic” (all n=1).


Refers only to those who said they preferred combined therapy