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. 2009 Dec;11(12):3292–3308. doi: 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2009.02079.x

Table 1.

Fungal strains isolated from diverse substrates during the current study.a

Strain designationb Environmental source (country) Strain designationb Environmental source (country)
JH05GB42 Copper pipe in 12°C constant-temperature room (UK) JW07JP14 Dead bamboo (Japan)
JH05GB43 Copper pipe in 12°C constant-temperature room (UK) JW07JP18 Surface of firewood in outdoor woodpile (Japan)
JH06GBa Underside of an antique earthenware-bowl (UK) JW07JP20 External wall of a wooden hut (Japan)
JH06GBb Dust on the floor of a living room (UK) JW07JP21 Insect pupa (Japan)
JH06GBc Blue (Stilton) cheese (UK) JW07JP25 Surface of firewood in outdoor woodpile (Japan)
JH06GBB Stem of dried protea flower (South Africa) JW07JP29 Aluminium windowsill on the outside of a building (Japan)
JH06GBl Paint work of a 1922 wooden window-frame (UK) JW07JP30a Aluminium windowsill inside a building (Japan)
JH06GBM Underside of an antique sycamore chopping-block (UK) JW07JP30b Aluminium windowsill inside a building (Japan)
JH06GBN Underside of an antique sycamore chopping-block (UK) JW07JP30c Aluminium windowsill inside a building (Japan)
JH06GBO Underside of an antique sycamore chopping-block (UK) JW07JP36 Glass surface of a window inside a building (Japan)
JH06GBW Antique felt (UK) JW07JP41a Wooden floor (Japan)
JH06IL49 Semi-dried date (Israel) JW07JP41b Wooden floor (Japan)
JH06IL50 Semi-dried date (Israel) JW07JP43 Old glass light-bulb (Japan)
JH06IN45 Semi-dried tamarind pods (India) JW07JP49 Underside of a stone table – outdoors (Japan)
JH06IN46 Semi-dried tamarind pods (India) JW07JP51 Surface of wooden bench – outdoors (Japan)
JH06IN47 Antique wooden artefact (India) JW07JP61 Rotting wood (Japan)
JH06IN48 Antique wooden artefact (India) JW07JP64 Dead tree-trunk (Japan)
JH06JPj Antique wooden artefact (Japan) JW07JP74 Aluminium windowsill inside a building (Japan)
JH06JPD Antique wooden rice-scoop (Japan) JW07JP75 Old cotton cushion-cover (Japan)
JH06JPE Inner surface of an antique bronze bell (Japan) JW07JP83 Tree trunk (Japan)
JH06JPF Inner surface of an antique bronze bell (Japan) JW07JP95 Surface of wooden bench – outdoors (Japan)
JH06JPQ Antique wooden rice-pot lid (Japan) JW07JP96 Stone table – outdoors (Japan)
JH06JPS Antique wooden rice-pot lid (Japan) JW07JP99 Underside of a wooden bench – outdoors (Japan)
JH06JPT Antique wooden rice-pot lid (Japan) JW07JP117a Internal surface of dried bamboo (Japan)
JH06NAV Stem of a wild grape (Namibia) JW07JP117b Internal surface of dried bamboo (Japan)
JH06THH Antique wooden artefact (Thailand) JW07JP120a Antique wooden artefact (Japan)
JH06THI Antique wooden artefact (Thailand) JW07JP120b Antique wooden artefact (Japan)
JH06THJ Antique wooden artefact (Thailand) JW07JP160 Antique wooden artefact (Japan)
JH06THK Antique wooden artefact (Thailand) JW07JP166 Rotting bamboo (Japan)
JH06ZA44 Grass basket (South Africa) JW07JP167 Rotting bamboo (Japan)
JH06ZA51 Tin surface of a food can (South Africa) JW07JP168a Rotting bamboo (Japan)
JH06ZA52 Tin surface of a food can (South Africa) JW07JP168b Rotting bamboo (Japan)
JH06ZAU Glass of a 1940's picture frame (South Africa) JW07JP169 Rotting bamboo (Japan)
JH07JP126 Antique bronze vase (Japan) JW07JP170a Rotting bamboo (Japan)
JH07JP127 Green leaf (Japan) JW07JP170b Rotting bamboo (Japan)
JH07JP128 Old earthenware bonsai-container (Japan) JW07JP171a Rotting bamboo (Japan)
JH07JP130 Green bamboo (Japan) JW07JP171b Rotting bamboo (Japan)
JH07JP133 Rotting wood (Japan) JW07JP172 Rotting bamboo (Japan)
JH07JP138 Old cedarwood-container (Japan) JW07JP173 Old, dried Reiki mushroom (Japan)
JH07JP141 Bamboo leaf (Japan) JW07JP174 Old, dried Reiki mushroom (Japan)
JH07JP143 Green bamboo (Japan) JW07JP175a Old, dried Reiki mushroom (Japan)
JH07JP144 Leaf surface (Japan) JW07JP175b Old, dried Reiki mushroom (Japan)
JH07JP146 Dead bamboo (Japan) JW07JP176 Old, dried Reiki mushroom (Japan)
JH07JP148 Rotting bamboo (Japan) JW07JP177 Old, dried Reiki mushroom (Japan)
JH07JP149 Rotting bamboo (Japan) JW07JP179 Old, dried Reiki mushroom (Japan)
JH07JP151 Rotting leaf (Japan) JW07JP180 Moulding surface of tree branch (Japan)
JH07JP154 Wooden bathroom wall (Japan) JW07JP181 Moulding surface of bamboo (Japan)
JH07JP156 Wooden bathroom wall (Japan) JW07JPc118 Airborne spores (Japan)
JH07ZA147 Wooden artefact (South Africa) RS07PT1 Laboratory contaminant (Portugal)
JW07GB158 Antique mahogany table-top (UK) RS07PT2 Laboratory contaminant (Portugal)
JW07JP2 Metal surface of an armrest on a 1970's train (Japan) RS07PT3 Laboratory contaminant (Portugal)
JW07JP4 Silicon floor-seal on a 1970's train (Japan) RS07US5 Soil (North America)
JW07JP8 Silk toy hung on exterior of a building (Japan) RS07US10 Soil (North America)
JW07JP13 Insect faeces on dead bamboo (Japan)

Strains were isolated on glycerol-supplemented and sucrose-supplemented MYPiA medium; see Experimental procedures. Strains RS07PT1, RS07PT2, RS07PT3, RS07US5 and RS07US10 were isolated by Ricardo dos Santos, Laboratório de Análises of the Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal. Entries in bold correspond to strains selected for more detailed study (see Figs 1C–K, 2 and 3A).


The third and fourth characters of strain designations indicate the year that sampling and isolation were carried out (i.e. 2005, 2006 or 2007).