(A) In vitro binding of HSV gD to soluble forms of HIgR receptor sV(HIgR)-Fc (V, ■, □) or sVCC(HIgR)-Fc (VCC, ⧫, ◊) or to CTLA4-Fc (CTLA4, •, ○) or BSA (▴, ▵). gD (solid symbols) or fetuin (open symbols) were immobilized to microwells and then allowed to react with increasing concentrations of the indicated proteins. Binding was detected with anti-human IgG-peroxidase (1:6,000). (B) Competition of the in vitro binding of HSV gD to sV(HIgR)-Fc by mAb R1.302 to PRR1 (R1.302, •), mAb to gD HD1 (HD1, ■), or purified mouse IgGs (IgG, ×). A fixed amount of sV(HIgR)-Fc (10 nM), giving saturable binding to gD in A, was mixed with increasing amounts of IgGs from the indicated antibodies and then allowed to react with gD, preimmobilized to microwells. Binding was revealed by incubation with anti-human IgG-peroxidase as above. Dilution 1 corresponds to 1 μM purified IgG for each antibody.