Figure 5. Ad5 transport and dynein recruitment are unaffected by NudE/NudEL and LIS1 inhibition.
(A) A549 cells were microinjected with function-blocking NudE/NudEL or LIS1 antibodies (green), then infected with Cy3-Ad5 (red) before fixing and staining 60 min p.i. Nuclear accumulation of virus was observed in each case. (Scale bars = 5 µm) (B) HeLa cells were transfected with NudE or LIS1 dominant negative (DN) cDNA constructs (green). 24 hours after transfection, cells were infected with Cy3-Ad5 (red) and fixed 60 min p.i.. Again, clear nuclear accumulation of virus was observed. (Scale bars = 5 µm) (C) Percentage of cells exhibiting accumulation of Ad5 at the nucleus was determined for NudE/NudEL- and LIS1-inhibited cells (black bars). The effect of dynamitin (p50) overexpression on Ad5 nuclear accumulation is included for comparison. Open bars indicate results from control injected or transfected cells. Error bars represent SD. * indicates P<0.01; t-test. (D) Cy3-Ad5 (red) in HeLa cells overexpressing NudE or LIS1 DN cDNAs still colocalize with dynein HC (green). Panels show enlarged regions from a single cell. (Scale bars = 1 µm)