Figure 3.
PLCβ4 and PLCβ3 mRNAs are expressed reciprocally in PCs of the rostral and caudal cerebellum. In situ hybridization showing expressions of the PLCβ1 (A and G), PLCβ3 (B, E, H, and I), and PLCβ4 (C, F, J, and K) mRNAs in the mature wild-type mouse cerebellum. (A–D) Dark-field micrographs taken from adjacent sagittal cerebellar sections near the midline. As a reference, cell bodies of PCs were visualized by detecting calbindin mRNAs in D. The numbers in D represent the cerebellar lobules in the vermis. (E and F) Dark-field micrographs taken from adjacent coronal sections through the rostral cerebellum. Note that locations of PCs with high levels of PLCβ3 mRNA (arrows in E) correspond to those with low PLCβ4 mRNA levels in the adjacent section (arrows in F). (G–K) Bright-field micrographs taken from the sites indicated in cerebellar sections A–C. Asterisks indicate cell bodies of PCs that displayed metachromatic color changes by counterstaining with toluidine blue. Note that PCs only weakly express PLCβ3 mRNA (H) and strongly express PLCβ4 mRNA (J) in the rostral cerebellum and vice versa in the caudal cerebellum (I and K). [Bars = 1 mm (A and E) and 10 μm (G).]