Figure 2.
ADAM22 interacts with Kv1 channels, MAGUKs, and Lgi proteins. A, Immunoblot analysis of coimmunoprecipitation reactions using antibodies against Kv1.2, PSD-95, PSD-93, ADAM22, and pan-Neurofascin (PanNF). The input lane corresponds to the detergent soluble fraction, whereas the remainder of the protein is shown in the insoluble fraction (insol). B, Cotransfection of ADAM22 and Kv1.4 in COS7 cells shows no surface clustering. C, D, Cotransfection of ADAM22, Kv1.4, and PSD-95 (C) or PSD-93 (D) results in the formation of large surface clusters that can be detected using antibodies directed against an extracellular epitope of ADAM22. Scale bar, 20 μm.