BQCA has no effect and does not potentiate the CCh effect on sEPSCs in M1 receptor KO mice. a, Sample traces from individual cells in slices made from wild-type (left panels) and M1 receptor KO mice (right panels) showing the robust effects of 30 μm CCh on both sEPSC amplitude in frequency compared to the milder effect in the M1 receptor KO slice (top panels). b, Bottom panels illustrate the lack of effect of 10 μm BQCA in both the WT and M1 receptor KO and contrast the increase in amplitude and frequency with the addition of BQCA and 10 μm CCh to the lack of effect in the M1 receptor KO. c, Cumulative probability plots of the interevent intervals from the two cells shown in bottom panels above. d, Averaged amplitude and frequency of sEPSCs measured in wild-type (black bars: 3 μm CCh, n = 3; 30 μm CCh, n = 5; 10 μm BQCA and 10 μm BQCA + 3 μm CCh, n = 5) and M1 receptor KO slices (white bars: 3 μm CCh, n = 4; 30 μm CCh, n = 4; 10 μm BQCA and 10 μm BQCA + 3 μm CCh, n = 5). In wild-type slices, 3 μm CCh had no significant effect on amplitude or frequency (102.6 ± 11.7%, p = 0.6381 and 83.2 ± 47.1% of control, p = 0.4423, respectively) whereas 30 μm CCh increased both (143.1 ± 22.0%, p = 0.0306 for amplitude, 398.3 ± 56.2%, p = 0.0342 for frequency). BQCA had no effect on amplitude or frequency but potentiated the response to 3 μm CCh (Amplitudes: 10 μm BQCA, 97.3 ± 11.3%, p = 0.7642 compared to control; 10 μm BQCA/3 μm CCh, 137.2 ± 16.7%, p = 0.0052 compared to control. Frequencies: 10 μm BQCA, 99.8 ± 11.3%, p = 0.7261 compared to control; 10 μm BQCA/3 μm CCh, 500.5 ± 212.3%, p = 0.0209 compared to control. In M1 receptor KO slices, 3 μm CCh decreased amplitude but had no significant effect on frequency (79.4 ± 14.9%, p = 0.0490 and 186.3 ± 187.4% of control, p = 0.7656, respectively). Thirty micromolars CCh also significantly decreased amplitude and increased frequency although the effect on frequency was less dramatic than that seen in WT controls (80.7 ± 5.2%, p = 0.0092 for amplitude, 271.7 ± 310.4%, p = 0.6010 for frequency). While the difference between the 30 μm CCh effect on amplitude was significant between genotypes (p = 0.0229), the effect on frequency was not (p = 0.4756). BQCA had no effect alone in KO slices (amplitude, 96.9 ± 10.6%, p = 0.4925; frequency, 101.3 ± 26.1%, p = 0.7286) and there was no difference in this lack of effect between genotypes (amplitude, p = 0.9596; frequency, p = 0.9133). When applied with 3 μm CCh, BQCA had no significant effect on amplitude or frequency (amplitude, 84.5 ± 25.3%, p = 0.3383; frequency, 86.6 ± 17.3%, p = 0.1388 compared to KO control), and both effects were significantly different those in WT slices (p = 0.0046 for amplitude, p = 0.0025 for frequency). All changes in amplitude and frequency were compared to baseline control and are represented as mean ± SEM. Asterisks indicate significant differences from control or between drug conditions (*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; paired or unpaired t test).