Figure 3.
Neural dopamine is not required for low light masking behavior. Masking performance index is plotted as a function of blue light intensity. Flies were subjected to ultradian 7 hours days consisting of 3.5 hrs light, 3.5 dark. The fraction of locomotor activity in the light period was converted to a performance index according to the formula 2(L-0.5), where L is the fraction of total activity in the light period. The 3.5 hr light period is sufficiently long such that the ~1 hr burst of locomotor activity at the initiation of the light period only comprises a minor fraction of the total light period activity. Symbols: Squares:■ w1118; n= 7; Open triangles:△ DTHg; ple; n= 11 Filled triangles:▲ DTHgFS±; ple; n= 11. Asterisks indicate significant differences from performance index of given genotype in the dark, ANOVA, P<0.01.