Exonuclease susceptibility of minicircle DNA from treated T. brucei. Cells were treated with no drug, 25.5 μM 1895, or 63 μM 0020 as indicated and lysed with SDS. Internal control HindIII-linearized pBluescript was added to each sample prior to exonuclease treatment. (A) Southern blot of minicircle DNA. Lanes 1, 4, and 7, no exonuclease. Lanes 2, 5, and 8, λ exonuclease. Lanes 3, 6, and 9, exonuclease III. There were 2.45 × 107 cells/lane. (B) Reaction internal control pBluescript DNA visualized by ethidium bromide fluorescence prior to DNA transfer for minicircle hybridization.