FIG. 3.
Pneumococcal clones isolated from IPD patients during the 2001-2002 year (a), the 2002-2003 year (b), the 2003-2004 year (c), the 2004-2005 year (d), and the 2005-2006 year (e). Filled circles represent individual STs observed in each study year, and the size of each circle indicates the number of isolates belonging to that ST. Positions of STs remain constant throughout Fig. 2 and 3a to 3e to track changes within the population of IPD-causing pneumococci. Lines join STs of the same CC, i.e., those that have 6 out of 7 housekeeping gene alleles in common. Dark-gray filled circles indicate the predicted founder of a CC, and light-gray filled circles indicate subfounders.