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. 2010 Jan 28;5(1):e8937. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0008937

Table 2. Retail sector service indices across the programme sites.

Characteristics Kisii site: Kiamokama division Kwale site
Matuga division Kinango division Both divisions
Coverage of programmes
Outlets in division 331 391 318 709
Open outlets/all outlets 306/331 (92.4%) 387/391 (98.9%) 291/318 (91.8%) 679/709 (95.8%)
Trained outlets/all open outlets 83/306 (27.1%) 42/387 (10.9%) 54/291 (18.5%) 96/679 (14.1%)
Outlets with anti malarial/open outlets* 119/302 (39.4%) 251/387 (64.9%) 128/291 (43.9%) 379/676 (56.1%)
Trained outlets/all outlets with antimalarials 83/119 (69.7%) 42/251 (16.7%) 54/128 (42.2%) 96/379 (25.3%)
Health facilities and population distribution
Health facilities 9 4 4 8
Area 161 Km 2 341 Km2 1842 Km2 2183 Km2
Population projections by 2006 121 844 86 284 86 405 172 689
Population density 757 persons/ Km 2 253 persons/Km2 47 persons/ Km 2 79 persons/ Km 2
Projected under five 18 226 12 781 15 897 28 678
Under five population potentially reached†† 29876 8260 39575 47785
Population service indices
PMR: population 1∶368 1∶220 1∶272 1∶243
PMR: under five population 1∶56 1∶33 1∶50 1∶40
Trained PMR: population 1∶1007 1∶2054 1∶1600 1∶1798
Trained PMR: under five population 1∶219 1∶304 1∶294 1∶299
Health facility: population 1∶13538 1∶ 21571 1∶∶10800 1∶21608
Health facility: trained PMR 1∶9 1∶9 1∶8 1∶12

*there were a number of outlets where information on anti-malarial medicines in stock could not be established, for example availability of anti-malarial in trained outlets could not be established in 2 outlets in Kisii, and 1 in Kwale respectively.

†population projections for 2006 are based on the 1999 census at an intercensal growth rate of 2.0% in Kisii and 2.6% in Kwale.

††This includes under fives living within 7.5 km of a trained outlet which may overlap with neighbouring areas.