Mean changes in absolute (A) and relative temperatures (B), temperature differentials (C), and locomotion (D) following the first (left panel) and second (right panel) presentations of a Coke-filled cup, and removal of an empty cup (middle panel). n shows numbers of averaged tests and filled symbols show values significantly different from baseline. One-way ANOVA with repeated measures was used for statistical evaluation of temperatures and locomotion. F values for the first Coke test are: NAcc − F15,495=11.93; Skin − 6.50; Muscle − 11.79; locomotion − 1.56; at least p<0.05 each. F values for the second Coke test are: NAcc − F17,557=15.57; Skin − 9.00; Muscle − 14.14; locomotion − 1.82; at least p<0.01 each. F values cup removal are: NAcc − F14.464=6.36; Skin − 3.87; Muscle − 4.67; locomotion − 1.60; at least p<0.05 each.