Figure 5. Phosphorylation at S111 and S250 restricts Yki nuclear localization.
(A-D′) S2 cells expressing HA-Sd together with Myc-YkiWT (A and A′), Myc-YkiS168A (B and B′), Myc-YkiS111,250A (C and C′) or Myc-Yki3SA (D and D′) with (A′-D′) or without Fg-Hpo (A-D) were immunostained with anti-Myc (green) and anti-HA (red) antibodies.
(E-H) High-magnification views of wing discs expressing HA-Sd and Myc- YkiWT (E), Myc-YkiS168A(F), Myc-YkiS111,250A(G) or Myc-Yki3SA (H) using MS1096 and immunostained with anti-Myc (green) and anti-HA (red) antibodies.