A) ΔΨm; B) enlarged ΔΨm depolarization wave in the x direction; and (C) enlarged ΔΨm depolarization wave in the y direction. For mito(j,k) (j = 4 or 5; k = 5 or 6), shunt = 0.14; for all other mitochondria, shunt = 0.02. Other parameters and initial conditions were same for all mitochondria and listed in Supplemental Materials Tables S2.1, S2.2, S2.3, S2.4. DO2.−i = 4×10−11 cm2 s−1. D) Selected images of a pair of TMRM-loaded canine ventricular myocytes (cell-cell junction indicated by the white arrow in left panel) which displayed 22 consecutive oscillations (see time series in Supplemental Materials, Video S3) that originated at the end of the righthand cell. Images within each panel were acquired at a 1 second frame rate and depict the 1st (left panel), 11th (center panel), and 14th cycle of ΔΨm oscillation (right panel). Entrainment was indicated by an increase in the area of the oscillating cluster after a number of cycles until the whole cell (up to the border of the neighboring cell) was included.