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. 2010 Feb;45(1):230–245. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-6773.2009.01052.x

Table 3.

2SLS Estimates for Children in the Small-Group Market (All Working Parents Employed at Firms with<25 Employees)

Medicaid/ SCHIP
Any Private Coverage
Both Public and Private Coverage
Coefficient Standard Error Coefficient Standard Error Coefficient Standard Error Coefficient Standard Error
Public eligibility −0.076 0.0350** 0.083 0.0347** 0.003 0.0371 0.007 0.0173
Two parent, one worker 0.015 0.0034*** 0.015 0.0032*** −0.031 0.0036*** 0.003 0.0017*
One parent, one worker −0.023 0.0043*** 0.106 0.0042*** −0.064 0.0046*** 0.018 0.0021***
HH poverty level 101–200% 0.004 0.0059 −0.156 0.0062*** 0.152 0.0062*** 0.001 0.0030
HH poverty level 201–300% −0.099 0.0248*** −0.260 0.0247*** 0.358 0.0265*** −0.001 0.0123
HH poverty level 301–400% −0.153 0.0306*** −0.311 0.0303*** 0.457 0.0325*** −0.008 0.0151
HH poverty level>400% −0.197 0.0314*** −0.338 0.0311*** 0.518 0.0334*** −0.020 0.0155
Family size −0.012 0.0012*** 0.017 0.0012*** −0.003 0.0012** 0.001 0.0006
Male 0.007 0.0028** 0.006 0.0028** −0.010 0.0029*** 0.003 0.0014**
Black 0.025 0.0062*** 0.113 0.0064*** −0.125 0.0064*** 0.017 0.0034***
Other race 0.044 0.0070*** 0.056 0.0067*** −0.096 0.0075*** 0.006 0.0034*
Hispanic 0.125 0.0044*** 0.083 0.0044*** −0.219 0.0044*** −0.012 0.0020***
Immigrant 0.211 0.0073*** −0.116 0.0068*** −0.101 0.0062*** −0.010 0.0026***
Urban −0.019 0.0040*** −0.035 0.0040*** 0.040 0.0042*** −0.013 0.0021***
Age=1 −0.025 0.0091*** −0.007 0.0098 0.042 0.0094*** 0.009 0.0048*
Age=2 −0.016 0.0090* −0.031 0.0095*** 0.047 0.0092*** 0.001 0.0046
Age=3 −0.002 0.0091 −0.046 0.0095*** 0.052 0.0093*** 0.003 0.0047
Age=4 0.002 0.0092 −0.050 0.0096*** 0.050 0.0093*** 0.002 0.0045
Age=5 0.010 0.0090 −0.060 0.0093*** 0.052 0.0092*** 0.003 0.0046
Age=6 −0.004 0.0100 −0.066 0.0104*** 0.067 0.0104*** −0.002 0.0050
Age=7 0.008 0.0100 −0.082 0.0103*** 0.074 0.0103*** 0.000 0.0050
Age=8 0.010 0.0100 −0.071 0.0103*** 0.061 0.0103*** 0.000 0.0050
Age=9 0.007 0.0101 −0.082 0.0103*** 0.077 0.0104*** 0.003 0.0051
Age=10 0.007 0.0101 −0.078 0.0103*** 0.072 0.0104*** 0.002 0.0050
Age=11 0.016 0.0100 −0.080 0.0102*** 0.063 0.0103*** 0.000 0.0049
Age=12 0.022 0.0100** −0.085 0.0100*** 0.069 0.0103*** 0.006 0.0051
Age=13 0.037 0.0103*** −0.103 0.0101*** 0.064 0.0104*** 0.000 0.0049
Age=14 0.024 0.0101** −0.108 0.0101*** 0.079 0.0104*** −0.006 0.0048
Age=15 0.040 0.0101*** −0.113 0.0100*** 0.064 0.0105*** −0.006 0.0048
Age=16 0.050 0.0101*** −0.127 0.0099*** 0.064 0.0104*** −0.010 0.0046**
Age=17 0.052 0.0102*** −0.142 0.0099*** 0.079 0.0104*** −0.009 0.0047*
Year=96 0.007 0.0081 −0.013 0.0075* −0.002 0.0082 −0.010 0.0042**
Year=97 0.018 0.0083** −0.014 0.0077* −0.015 0.0083* −0.012 0.0042***
Year=98 0.032 0.0141** −0.046 0.0133*** 0.000 0.0147 −0.015 0.0072**
Year=99 0.004 0.0155 −0.033 0.0151* 0.014 0.0163 −0.018 0.0078**
Year=00 −0.010 0.0156 −0.003 0.0153 0.007 0.0165 −0.009 0.0079
Year=01 −0.029 0.0158* 0.024 0.0156 −0.001 0.0168 −0.009 0.0081
Year=02 −0.023 0.0158 0.036 0.0156** −0.021 0.0167 −0.009 0.0081
Year=03 −0.032 0.0155** 0.058 0.0154*** −0.027 0.0165 −0.003 0.0080
Year=04 −0.045 0.0156*** 0.053 0.0154*** −0.014 0.0165 −0.007 0.0080
Year=05 −0.038 0.0156** 0.059 0.0155*** −0.025 0.0166 −0.004 0.0080
Year=06 −0.022 0.0158 0.071 0.0157*** −0.058 0.0167*** −0.009 0.0081
Constant 0.317 0.0278*** 0.380 0.0280*** 0.332 0.0299*** 0.041 0.0139***
Number of observations 120,130 120,130 120,130 120,130
R2 0.091 0.222 0.294 0.013






SCHIP, State Children's Health Insurance Program.

Source: Authors' estimates from the March Current Population Surveys (1996–2007).