Figure 3. Motion-competition explanation.
A) Adapting responses to CW (green) and CCW (red) rotating dots for cued conditions. B) Adapting responses to CW (green) and CCW (red) rotating dots for uncued conditions. C) Inhibition and excitation to translation detector for cued conditions. Inhibition is sum of responses to CW and CCW rotations (i.e. red and green traces in A). Excitation arising from the translation is indicated by arrow (“Exc”) and is scaled by 1/4 to avoid overlap with inhibitory traces. D) Same as C but for uncued conditions. Inhibition is greater than for cued conditions whereas excitation is the same. E) Response of translation detector is greater for cued (left) than for uncued (right) conditions due to the greater inhibition accompanying uncued conditions. Time is in msec.