Table 1. PKC Isoforms.
All forms are monomeric. The βI and βII differ in their C-terminal amino acid residues, and the forms are the result of alternative splicing of the 3’exon.
Isoform | Type | Calcium Dependence |
Phorbol stimulation |
Amino acids |
Predicted MW (kDa) |
alpha (α) | Conventional | Yes | Yes | 672 | 76.8 |
beta I (βI) | Conventional | Yes | Yes | 673 | 76.9 |
beta II (βII) | Conventional | Yes | Yes | 671 | 76.8 |
gamma (γ) | Conventional | Yes | Yes | 697 | 78.4 |
delta (δ) | Novel | No | Yes | 673 | 77.5 (r) |
epsilon (ε) | Novel | No | Yes | 737 (r) | 83.5 (r) |
eta (η) | Novel | No | Yes | 680 | 77.6 |
mu (μ) | Novel | No | Yes | 912 (m) | 115 (m) |
theta (θ) | Novel | No | Yes | 706 | 82 (r) |
zeta (ζ) | Atypical | No | No | 592 (r) | 67.7 (r) |
lamda (λ) | Atypical | No | No | 586 | 67.2 |