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. 1999 Jun 19;318(7199):1650–1656. doi: 10.1136/bmj.318.7199.1650

Table 3.

Sensitivity analysis. Figures are cost (in $) per life year saved ($1.5=£1)

Detail Formula recommended Breast feed to 3 months Breast feed to 6 months Formula supplied ACTG076 PETRA CDC CDC + formula recommended CDC + formula supplied
Antenatal HIV seroprevalence (%):
 0.1 34 319 35 175 161 533 24 183 4462 6983 5393 4608 4393
 1 3 580 3 624 16 351 2 726 583 712 548 478 511
 2 1 860 1 865 8 273 1 523 365 360 276 244 291
 5 794 793 3 394 771 225 141 104 92 146
 10 383 409 1 715 471 165 54 33 21 77
 15 200 258 1 111 331 134 14 CS CS 37
 20 74 166 775 230 109 CS CS CS 4
 30 CS 41 374 67 68 CS CS CS CS
 40 CS CS 107 CS 30 CS CS CS CS
Infant mortality (change relative to base rate):
 0.25 129 146 380 92 132 14 CS CS 25
 0.5 147 168 469 121 133 14 CS CS 28
 1 200 258 1 111 331 134 14 CS CS 37
 2 701 DC DC DC 135 14 CS CS 109
 4 DC DC DC DC 139 14 CS DC DC
Relative risk of death in non-breastfed, HIV negative children (change relative to base rate):
 0.5 121 151 482 113 135 14 CS CS 27
 1 200 258 1 111 331 134 14 CS CS 37
 2 DC DC DC DC 131 13 CS CS 142
 4 DC DC DC DC 125 13 CS DC DC
Cost of antiretroviral drugs (change relative to base rate):
 1 200 258 1 111 331 134 14 CS CS 37
 0.5 200 258 1 111 331 51 CS CS CS CS
 0.25 200 258 1 111 331 9 CS CS CS CS
Expenditure on health services for HIV negative and positive children (change relative to base rate):
 0.25 151 256 1 361 287 206 86 71 35 86
 0.5 167 257 1 277 301 182 62 46 17 69
 1 200 258 1 111 331 134 14 CS CS 37
 2 266 261 777 389 37 CS CS CS CS
 4 397 266 110 506 CS CS CS CS CS
Uptake of screening (proportion of women accepting):
 0.25 DC 3 610 DC 6 935 182 92 59 35 129
 0.5 518 506 DC 583 148 38 16 CS 62
 0.75 253 308 1 877 379 137 20 3 CS 43
 0.9 200 258 1 111 331 134 14 CS CS 37
 1 177 236 893 309 132 11 CS CS 34

CS=cost saving. DC=net increase in deaths (death causing).