AIF1 Interacts with ATBS1 Both in Vitro and in Vivo.
(A) Alignment of four members of the AIF family (AIF1, At3g05800, NP_566260; AIF2, At3g06590, NP_974239; AIF3, At3g17100; NP_566567; AIF4, At1g09250, NP_563839). Alignment was performed using the Tcoffee program ( Identical amino acids are shaded black, while similar amino acids are shaded gray using the BoxShade server at The white bar indicates the basic region, the hatched bar represents the helix motif, while the black line denotes the loop region.
(B) Confocal analysis of the root tip of a pBRI1:AIF1-GFP transgenic line. GFP fluorescence is shown in green, and cell wall staining by propidium iodide is shown in red. Bar = 50 μm.
(C) A pull-down assay to test the ATBS1–AIF1 interaction. MBP, MBP-ATBS1, and GST-AIF1 were purified from E. coli. Amylose resin was used to pull down the MBP or MBP-ATBS1 and its interacting proteins. An anti-GST antibody was used to detect the copurified AIF1 by immunoblot analysis.
(D) AIF1 interacts with ATBS1 in plants. FLAG-tagged AIF1 was immunoprecipitated from total protein crude extracts isolated from the parental lines, pBRI1:ATBS1-GFP and pBRI1:AIF1-FLAG, and their F1 plants and analyzed by immunoblotting with antibody against FLAG or GFP.