A) Genomic organization of LAMA3 gene, vertical bars represent exons, horizontal line introns. B) LAMA3A and LAMA3B transcript organization; blue exons – common to both transcripts, orange -specific to LAMA3A, grey – specific to LAMA3B, pink – specific to LAMA3B2, Below each transcript is a diagrammatic representation of the domain architecture; LN – laminin N terminal domain, LE – laminin-type epidermal growth factor-like repeats, L4 – globular domain, LCC – laminin coiled coil domain, LG laminin globular domains. C) Laminin α3 containing heterotrimer structure. Color scheme of conserved domains as in B, with purple - Lβ-laminin β chain globular domain. Arrows in LM332 and LM3B32 indicate processing points discussed in the text.