Figure 3. Aneurysm and subarachnoid haemorrhage in patients with VZV vasculopathy.
(A) Aneurysm in a patient with VZV vasculopathy. Angiogram 4 weeks after zoster reveals an aneurysm in the intrapetrosal portion of the left internal carotid artery (arrow). Reproduced from Gürsoy and co-workers,25 with permission from Springer-Verlag. (B) Subarachnoid haemorrhage in a patient with zoster and VZV vasculopathy. Axial CT shows subarachnoid haemorrhage and a left para-midline haematoma (left side of picture, right side of patient). Reproduced from Jain and co-workers,31 with permission from the American Society of Neuroradiology. VZV=varicella zoster virus.