Leadership: Setting the agenda and assigning responsibility for spread |
Set-Up for Spread: Identifying the target population and the initial strategy to reach all sites in the target population with the new ideas |
Involvement of stakeholders in identification of FTTK requirements, usability testing and pilot testing on experimental units.
Use of PHS Fall Prevention Task Force as advisory committee and hospital based fall prevention committee members as consultants.
Development of FTTK to translate fall prevention interventions and to align effective interventions with patient-specific risk factors and existing workflows.
“Just-in-time” round the clock training for professional and paraprofessional caregivers on use of FTTK.
Better Ideas: A description of the new ideas and evidence to “make the case” to others |
Fall prevention interventions directly linked to nursing fall risk assessment. FTTK tools (e. g. bed posters and patient education handouts) auto-print once initial nursing fall risk assessment is filed.
Icons are used to communicate recommended interventions in format that cuts across literacy levels of care team including professional, paraprofessional caregivers, patients and family.
Web and paper-based competency developed to facilitate training and to support different styles of learning.
In-service education provided for professional/PPS caregivers by unit-based “peer champions”
Communication: Methods to share awareness and technical information about the new ideas |
Consistent, sustained message from unit-based leadership team that building a culture of safety and evidenced by adoption of FTTK is a top priority on PHS system and hospital levels.
Meetings with stakeholders: PHS Fall Prevention Task Force serves as advisory board, hospital-based fall prevention committees facilitate local communication; unit-based staff meetings, “Fall TIPS Safety Rounds”.
Unit based champions: 1) piloted FTTK and participated in iterative design, 2) communicated benefits to peers including fall prevention interventions tailored to patient-specific areas of risk and limited to those with evidence-base and identified in focus group as “feasible”.
Social System: Understanding the relationships among the people who will be adopting the new ideas |
Focus group interviews to identify social, cultural and educational barriers to fall prevention across stakeholders (e. g., professional and PPS caregivers, patients and family members).
FTTK requirements based on focus group transcripts.
FTTK integrated into existing workflows.
Knowledge Management: Observing and using the best methods for spread as they emerge from the practice of the organization |
Employing an iterative approach to supporting spread and adoption of FTTK with hospital based teams and unit-based “peer champions”.
Chief Nurse Council sponsored annual “PHS Safety Summit” with presenters from local hospital implementation teams.
Measurement and Feedback: Collecting and using data about process and outcomes to better monitor and make adjustments to spread progress |
PHS adopts “falls” and “ falls with injury” as “PHS High Performance Measures”, requiring system-wide reporting.
Unit-based teams involved in evaluating adherence with FTTK protocol and identifying/implementing improvement plans.
Weekly email to nurses to report on adherence with FTTK protocol.