Principal sites of BAT1.13 and BAT1.5 gene expression. Histochemical staining is shown for GUS activity in BAT promoter-uidA transgenic Arabidopsis plants. A, Rosette leaf. B, Primary root. C, Emerging secondary root. D, Mature anther. E, Opened silique 3 to 5 d after pollination (DAP). F, Opened silique 9 to 12 DAP. G, Seed coat and embryo 12 to 15 DAP. H, Stained hydratoid of rosette leaf. I, Stipules/emerging leaves. J, Opened silique 3 to 5 DAP. K, Opened silique 9 to 12 DAP. L, Seed coat and embryo 12 to 15 DAP. A to G show the BAT1.13 promoter, and H to L show the BAT1.5 promoter. Bars = 40 μm in A, B, C, H, and I and 80 μm in D, G, and L.