CK2(rHd6) phosphorylated two regions in OsLHY. A, Schematic images of OsLHY and OsLHY fragments and OsLHY with mutations at all five possible phosphorylation sites from Ser to Ala, termed OsLHY(5A). Arrowheads indicate putative CK2 consensus sites (S/TXXD/E) found in OsLHY. Red arrowheads indicate five Ser residues at the phosphorylation sites corresponding to those in CCA1. Deleted OsLHY fragments are designated by the corresponding amino acid residue numbers in full-length OsLHY. The CK2 target assay results are summarized at the right. B, SDS-PAGE and autoradiograph of SDS-PAGE analyses of GST-CCA1, GST-OsLHY, and GST-mOsLHY(5A) after in vitro CK2(rHd6) phosphorylation assays. C, SDS-PAGE and autoradiographs of SDS-PAGE analyses of the C-terminal segments of OsLHY fused to GST after in vitro CK2(rHd6) phosphorylation assays. A fragment containing the C4 domain region (568–719) of OsLHY was not phosphorylated, whereas the corresponding CCA1 fragment (449–608) was phosphorylated.