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. 1999 Jul 10;319(7202):94–98. doi: 10.1136/bmj.319.7202.94


Explanatory variables in final regression analyses

Variable Description Mean (SD) Range Source
Supply of secondary care:

 General physicians/10 000 Hospital medical staff in general medicine specialty group per 10 000 population. By regional health authority 2.83 (0.36) 2.23-3.64 HSI
 Hospital beds provision Distance weighted No of hospital beds per head of population 2.85 (0.75) 1.29-4.64 Carr-Hill et al18
Morbidity measures:
 Limiting long term illness Proportion of total population with limiting long term illness 13.28 (2.23) 8.87-18.48 Census
 Permanently sick Proportion of adult population permanently sick 4.13 (1.57) 2.01-7.98 Census
Socioeconomic characteristics of the population:
 Population density Population per hectare 17.80 (20.19) 0.61-100.76 ONS
 Unemployment Proportion of population claiming unemployment benefits 10.09 (3.52) 5.09-21.75 ONS
 No central heating Proportion of households lacking central heating 17.00 (8.16) 4.87-46.43 Census
 Crowded accommodation Proportion in households in crowded accommodation (>1 per room) 4.88 (2.68) 2.32-19.35 Census
 No car Proportion in households with no car 26.52 (9.81) 10.96-51.30 Census
 New Commonwealth Proportion of private households headed by person born in New Commonwealth or Pakistan 4.05 (4.85) 0.31-31.19 HSI
 Retired living alone Proportion of those of pensionable age living alone 34.11 (3.18) 29.87-48.51 Census
 Students Proportion of 17 year olds who are students 40.99 (7.32) 30.69-67.86 Census
 Social class I and II Percentage of households with head in class I or II 35.72 (7.98) 18.28-58.76 Census
 Population mobility Proportion of residents moving outside district in past year 3.84 (1.81) 1.76-12.74 Census
Year dummies:
 1990-1 Dummy variable; equals 1 in financial year 1990-1; 0 otherwise
 1991-2 Dummy variable; equals 1 in financial year 1991-2; 0 otherwise
 1992-3 Dummy variable; equals 1 in financial year 1992-3; 0 otherwise
 1993-4 Dummy variable; equals 1 in financial year 1993-4; 0 otherwise
 1994-5 Dummy variable; equals 1 in financial year 1994-5; 0 otherwise

Census: 1991 census of population. 

HSI: health service indicators database.24 

ONS: office for national statistics.