Two competing costs to human walking. (A) Dynamic walking predicts that step-to-step transition work—performed to redirect the body center of mass (COM) velocity between steps—increases with step length. At the end of a step and before the step-to-step transition, the COM velocity is directed downward (see inset). It must be redirected upward by the end of the transition for the next pendulum-like step. Keeping step frequency fixed, the work rate is predicted to increase with the fourth power of step length.41 Experimental measurements show that humans walking at increasing step lengths perform more work and expend more energy, both at rates roughly proportional to the prediction.44 (B) Another possible contributor is the effort needed to move the legs back and forth relative to the body. Although pendulum-like motion requires no net work, both work and force may be used to induce faster leg motion. It may be economical to use energy to produce faster steps, if it reduces step-to-step transition costs.48 Independent measurements of swinging a leg at increasing frequency but fixed amplitude show metabolic rate increasing with the fourth power of frequency.46 The 2 competing costs of step-to-step transitions and forced leg motion appear to determine the preferred step length and frequency of normal human walking.48