Figure 7.
Change in distribution of the D1 protein in Suc density gradients. The pgsA mutant cells grown under LL conditions for 5 d in the absence of PG (A) were transferred to HL conditions and incubated for 120 min in the absence (B) or in the presence (C) of PG. The cells treated under HL conditions for 120 min in the absence of PG were incubated further in the presence of PG for 60 (D) and 180 (E) min or the absence of PG for 180 min (F) under LL conditions. Inset figures represent the ratio of the monomeric to the dimeric form of the PSII core complex as estimated by the D1 protein content. The amount of D1 protein contained in the monomeric (white area) or the dimeric (black area) form of the PSII core complex was calculated as the sum of the values of the quantified signal intensity of the D1 protein.