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. 2009 Oct 2;1(10):855–865. doi: 10.18632/aging.100092

Table 4. Effect of light regimen on tumorigenesis in female rats.

Notes: TBR - tumor-bearing rats. Difference with the group LD is significant: a, р<0.05; b, р<0.01; c, р<0.001.

Parameters Light/dark regimen
Number of rats 40 48 54 61
Number of TBR (%) 21 (52.5%) 34 (70.8%)a 24 (44.4%) 15 (24.6%)c
No. of tumors per TBR rat 1.38 1.41 1.63 1.07
No. of mlgn. TBR rats (%) 5 (12.5%) 7 (14.6%) 7 (13.0%) 3 (4.9%)
Number of tumors 29 48 39 16
Time of the 1st tumor detection, days 207 365 186 186
Mean life span of TBR, days 769 ± 63.0 683 ± 22.9b 665 ± 40.3 720 ± 64.3
Mean life span of malignant TBR, days 1098 ± 21.8 688 ± 56.8c 647 ± 79.8c 809 ± 130.5a
Localization and type of tumors
Mammary gland: fibroma fibroadenoma adenocarcinoma 4 9 1 -
11 21 20 5
- - 1 -
No. of rats with benign mammary tumors 14 27a 18 5c
Utery: polyp fibroma fibromyoma adenocarcinoma stromogenic sarcoma 4 1 4 5
1 - 1 -
- 2 1 -
- 3 1 -
- - - 1
Oviduct: fibroma - 3 - -
Adrenal gland: cortical adenoma carcinoma pheochromocytoma 1 1 3 1
- - - 1
2 - - -
Ovary: fibroma luteoma hemangioma carcinoma 1 - - -
- 1 - -
- - - 1
- 1 - -
Pituitary: adenoma - - 1 -
Hematopoeitic tissue: leukemia/lymphoma 3 3 4 -
Soft tissues: fibroma sarcoma - 1 1 1
2 2 1 -
Lung: adenocarcinoma - - - 1
Colon: adenocarcinoma - 1 - -
Total: benign malignant 24 39 32 13
5 9 7 3